It’s that time of year when I start cooking ridiculous things in the kitchen. It started 10 years ago, when a friend and I started …
What’s for Dinner? Meal Plan for 10/22

It’s that time of year when I start cooking ridiculous things in the kitchen. It started 10 years ago, when a friend and I started …
I’m back! I didn’t blog about One Book July last week as I felt that I didn’t have anything to really elaborate on. My post …
So, I have survived week 2! Not that I struggled with my planner. Life happened this week and threw us a HUGE curve ball – …
One week down for One Book July and I can’t say I hate my new planner! I’m actually going to report that my new set-up, …
Now that I’ve decided to participate in One Book July and really thought about my reason why, I now need to set up my planner …
I just stumbled upon “One Book July” last week and since then the whole idea has been stuck in my head and has really made …
I’m sure, by now, everyone has heard about the new changes to Etsy that are coming in the middle of July. While it seems as …
This, this is HUGE! I really cannot wait for the reveal! This is just one reason I have been so quiet over here. I have …
I swear I have not fallen off the face of the planet. I know the blog has been neglected for a few weeks now and …
So the last time I was around was right before the 4th of July! Summer break is almost over! I can’t believe we are about …